Habeas Corpus Petitions
Habeas Corpus Petitions
In both criminal cases and immigration cases, often times individuals’ rights may have been violated if they have been detained by the government, and their detention may be unjust or contrary to law. A “Habeas Corpus” action is one where a detained person can sue based on an allegedly unlawful detention or imprisonment, and request that the person’s jailer (either immigration officials or the warden of the prison where the person is detained) bring that person to court so that a judge can make a determination whether that person is legally detained or not.
When an individual is detained or otherwise has no easily available right of appeal or right to request conditional release, it may be that the only available relief is a petition “Habeas Corpus.” If you are detained and believe that you or someone you know who is detained may be eligible for a habeas corpus petition, please contact us for a free consult. Often times it may be necessary for a detained individual
Lessons from the Past

My faith is that Americans are not an inert people. My conviction is that we are rising as a people to confront the hard challenges of our age-and that we know that the hardest challenges are often those within ourselves. My confidence is that, as we strive constantly to meet the exacting standard of our national tradition, we will liberate a moral energy within our nation which will transform America’s role and America’s influence throughout the world-and that upon this release of energy depends the world’s hope for peace, freedom and justice everywhere.
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