Immigration Appeals
Many decisions made in Immigration Court may be appealed to a higher court called the “Board of Immigration Appeals,” or “BIA”, which is located in Falls Church, Virginia, which is near Washington D.C. U.S. recognizes that all decisions made by immigration judges and other officials have tremendous consequences, and thus immigrants who believe that they have suffered from an error or mistake by an immigration official often have the option of appealing that decision to the BIA.
Criminal Appeals
Every defendant convicted of a crime has the essential right to an appeal adverse decisions to a higher court, even if that individual has pled guilty to the crime in question.
Habeas Corpus Petitions
In both criminal cases and immigration cases, often times individuals’ rights may have been violated if they have been detained by the government, and their detention may be unjust or contrary to law
Writs of Mandamus
In certain circumstances, if a government agency or authority refuses to comply with the law, or declines to act as it is legally required to act, an individual can request a “writ of mandamus” from a court, which functions as a demand to a government actor to perform an act that it has otherwise failed to perform
Real Estate & Zoning Disputes
Our office has also assisted many clients with real estate & zoning disputes.
Lessons from the Past

He [Gerald R. Ford, Sr.] and Mother had three rules: tell the truth, work hard, and come to dinner on time—and woe unto any of us who violated those rules.
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